
Handshake is your one-stop shop for accessing career information, job and internship postings, events and more. Brandeis students can access Handshake below or on the Brandeis portal.

Log Into Handshake

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Why should you use Handshake?

  • Get hired: Discover and land jobs, internships, volunteer opportunities and more.
  • Get discovered: Receive messages from employers that want to hire you.
  • Get connected: Connect with your peers for tips and advice.
  • Get it all in one place: Career events, appointments with counselors, interview bookings and career-building resources.

Get started by updating your Handshake profile. By having a complete profile, users are five times more likely to receive messages from potential employers. 

Download the Handshake app!

Take your career search on the go with the Handshake app. Download for free in the App Store or Google Play. Search "Handshake."

apple store logo Google play logo

Additional Tips and Tutorials