Hiatt Career Center

You’re Graduating…So Now What?

Five graduates pose for a picture holding their graduation caps out towards the camera

No, you aren’t on an episode of Fear Factor…you’re just graduating! Though they can feel very similar, entering the world of work hopefully has fewer snakes and spiders. Yet the anxiety and fear surrounding graduation are very real for the majority of seniors. That’s where the Hiatt Career Center steps in.

Our goal is to help prepare you for the transition from college to your desired career path. Hiatt provides the tools and guidance; You provide the dedication and drive to reach your goals.

However, entering the world of work is only one adjustment you have to navigate in your post-graduation life. So, we asked Hiatt’s Career Development Team for one piece of non-career advice they’d like to give graduating seniors…

Headshot of Jessica Smith“Put time and effort into maintaining your friendships from college. You won’t all be in the same location anymore so it won’t be as easy to see each other, so don’t forget to put in the effort to maintain them. Also, be understanding when life gets busy.”


Headshot of Lauren Dropkin“Learn how to make AND follow a budget. Being responsible for your finances can be new to many graduates, and it takes time and often some guidance to get the hang of it. Don't be afraid to ask for help!”


Headshot of Megan Campbell“It's okay to not know what you're doing—most people don't. Your life may be a continual process of trying out different things and re-evaluating life plans, and that is perfectly normal.”


Headshot of Zach Vigliani“As cliche as it sounds, everything will work out. Be patient. Make sure to be kind to yourself and celebrate the small victories.”



Headshot of Sandra Sylvestre“Take time to relax, enjoy and celebrate. Work is important, but it's only one slice of a well-lived life.”


Headshot of Charlotte Walker“Be intentional in maintaining friendships.”




Don’t get us wrong, the Hiatt Career Center also provides excellent career support for graduating seniors! You can navigate our online resources—including more on life after college—or schedule an appointment with any member of our Career Team today.