Light Microscopy Core Facility

The Brandeis Light Microscopy facility provides instrumentation, training, and support for faculty and trainees in the acquisition and analysis of data using state of the art imaging equipment. Here, researchers have access to many imaging systems, including transmitted light, TIRF, and epifluorescence microscopes, spinning disc and laser scanning confocal microscopes, 2-photon systems, and super-resolution fluorescence imaging systems. The facility also includes an analysis suite with computers that have licensed image analysis programs installed.
Use of the Brandeis Light Microscopy Facility can be acknowledged with our Research Resource Identifier RRID:SCR_025892.
Dr. Avital Rodal (
Dr. Stephen Van Hooser (
Contact Information
Dr. Andrew Stone (
Department of Biology
Brandeis University
415 South Street
Waltham, Massachusetts 02454
Tel: 781-736-2682
Fax : 781-736-3107