Available Equipment


TF30Tecnai F30 TEM with field emission gun (FEG) electron source and CompuStage, equipped with a FEI Falcon II direct electron detector, as well as a Gatan Imaging energy filter (GIF) equipped with Ultrascan 2kx2k post-filter GIF camera

TF20Tecnai F20 TEM with a FEG and Compustage, equipped with a Gatan Oneview CMOS camera

Both Tecnais can be controlled via SerialEM software for tomographic and single particle data acquisition and have ambient and cryo sample holders

Morgagni TEMFEI Morgagni, operated at 80kV, with an AMT Nanosprint5 camera; used for screening grids of negative stain single particle and plastic sections

Sample Prep
  • Two plunge freezers: an FEI vitrobot and Gatan CP3
  • An Edwards Carbon Evaporator
  • Two glow discharge units
  • Rotary shadow
  • Freeze fracture
  • Leica HPM100 High pressure Freezer
  • Leica AFS2 Automated Freeze Subtitution machine
  • Leica UC6 ultramicrotome