Information Technology Services

Brandeis National Committee Portal: My Brandeis Gateway

We are pleased to introduce a new system available to Brandeis National Committee (BNC) members: My Brandeis Gateway.

To access the portal, you will need to register for an account (written instructions to set up your account can be found at this link ). The portal allows members to manage their contact information and set up a profile. You can find written instructions on how to manage your portal profile at this link.

To assist you with creating your BNC Portal account, we've created a video for chapter members.

The landing page for

Register for a BNC Portal Account

Chapter members will be able to register for Study Groups and Events through the BNC Portal. In the video below, you'll find instructions on how to sign up for study groups online.
Registering for Study Groups

Registering for Study Groups

Information for Chapter Leadership

For assistance with creating your account and viewing the Directory and Membership Roster, please see our job aids to Create Your Portal Account, Search the Directory, Search the Membership Roster and Update Your Portal Profile.

You may also contact for technical assistance with the portal. For BNC related matters, please contact