Information Technology Services

Help Desk Self-Service Options and Identification Verification Process

Self-Service Options

How do I verify my identity for Help Desk support?

ID verification via video call is required for select IT support requests that involve the use or change of personal information, e.g., password resets, two-factor authentication account changes (Duo), BitLocker, etc..

  • For security purposes, this verification can not be done over a standard telephone call or email.
  • To verify your identity, ITS Help Desk staff must be able to clearly see your face and photo ID with your name on it.

What is needed for a video call?

  • Please have the following prepared before meeting the Help Desk.
    • Two forms of Photo ID with your name printed on them. One of them must be a government issued ID (Driver’s License, State ID, Passport, Permanent Resident Cards, etc.) They must be original copies - photocopies will not work.
  • Computer with a working web camera or phone with the Zoom mobile app downloaded (no login required)
  • A stable internet connection to support video
  • Proper lighting (Help Desk staff must be able to see your face in order to verify your identity) 

illustration of person showing a form of identification close up and far away

What is needed for Help Desk walk-up?

  • Please have the following prepared before meeting the Help Desk.
    • One form of Photo ID with your name on it. Your Brandeis ID or a government issued ID (Driver’s License, State ID, Passport, Permanent Resident Cards, etc.) They must be original copies - photocopies will not work.