Data Governance

A data governance program provides an organized framework (i.e., policies, procedures, guidelines, roles/responsibilities) for how people behave and make decisions about data.


  • Ensure data across all core systems are accurate, complete and secure.
  • Improve and promote data understanding.
  • Increase confidence in the data.
  • Ensure community members have the appropriate level of access to core systems needed to perform their jobs.
  • Reduce shadow systems, inefficiencies and inaccuracies.
  • Establish procedures for community awareness and compliance.
  • Minimize exposure to security threats, decisions based on inaccurate data and costly errors.

Key Components

Data Governance Program Roles

Council of Data Trustees Members (2024)

Brandeis Domain Data Trustee Title Data Trustee
Applicants, Undergraduate Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid Jennifer Walker
Applicants, Graduate Director of Institutional Research Haley Rosenfeld (co-chair)
Campus Operations Vice President for Campus Planning and Operations Lois Stanley
Employees Vice President of Human Resources Robin Switzer
Faculty Director of Institutional Research

Haley Rosenfeld

Mitchell Albury

Finance Chief Financial Officer Sam Solomon
Information Technology Chief Information Officer Jim La Creta
Institutional Advancement

Assistant Vice President, Development

Michael Booras
Legal Affairs General Counsel Steve Locke
Library University Librarian Matthew Sheehy
Research Administration Vice Provost for Research Steven Karel
Student Academics

University Registrar

Mark Hewitt

Student Administration Assistant Vice President of Student Financial Services Sherri Avery
Student Life Assistant Vice President of Student Engagement and Campus Life Shelby Harris
ex officio members
Senior Vice President, Communications, Marketing, and External Relations Dan Kim
Chief Diversity Officer LeManuel Bitsoi
Dean, Brandeis International Business School Katy Graddy
Deputy CIO & Associate Vice President, Information Technology Services Anne Marando
Director of Data and Systems Integration, Information Technology Services Ian Rifkin (co-chair)

Data Stewardship Council Members (2024)

Brandeis Domain Data Steward(s)
Applicants, Undergraduate
Bob Bellon
Rebecca Sheehy
Applicants, Graduate
Jeff Nagengast (IBS)
Christie Barone (Rabb)
Hannah Locke (Heller)
Carrie Robertson (GSAS)
Campus Planning & Operations
Dan Tress
Lorna Laurent
Mitchell Albury
Ken Freda
Information Technology
Ian Rifkin
Danielle Buczek
Institutional Advancement
Pamela Poland
Lauren Wilson
Legal Affairs
Doreen Cappadona
Mark Paris
Research Administration
Stephen van Ness
Student Academics
Sandra Fallon-Ludwig
Student Administration
Sherri Avery
Kristyn Burke
Student Life
Alexandra Rossett