Digital Media
Lecture Capture (Echo360)
The Brandeis Lecture Capture Program includes 50+ classrooms equipped with fully automated recording systems as well as access to capture software that can be utilized in any classroom on campus. The Echo360 Active Learning Platform is comprised of a suite of tools for recording live lectures in the classrooms, managing video content including Zoom recordings, pre-recording lectures for students to watch outside of class, as well as interactive tools intended to be used in the classroom to enhance student engagement. The platform is designed to enhance student learning through interaction and engagement and also allow faculty to track student engagement through the platform's comprehensive analytics tools.
Media Hosting (Kaltura)
Kaltura is a video hosting and management platform available to the Brandeis community for hosting digital media content. Video and audio files hosted in Kaltura can be posted to Brandeis web pages, LATTE or anywhere on the web. Kaltura includes advanced tools to make videos accessible and interactive.
Web Conferencing (Zoom)
ITS offers the Zoom web conferencing platform to the Brandeis community to help you communicate and collaborate with colleagues and peers across campus or across the world. Web conferencing allows people to meet in virtual meeting rooms, reducing the cost and hassle of travel.