Adobe Creative Cloud

Faculty and staff have access to Adobe Creative Cloud applications for the duration of an active Brandeis account. Students can purchase Adobe directly by visiting the Adobe website.

Students    Faculty and Staff


Adobe Creative Cloud includes Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign which supports creation tools for graphic design, photography, video content and editing, and much more. 

Getting Started (Faculty, Staff)

To begin using Adobe Creative Cloud applications, you must first download and install the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop application. Once installed, you can select and install individual application(s). Refer to the instructions below to download and install the desktop application as well as steps to download individual Adobe applications.


  • For additional information on how to download or install apps, see Download and Install Creative Cloud apps.
  • For students interested in developing skills, Adobe offers free “Daily Creative Challenges”. These are guided projects where participants receive creative prompts and connect with pros, mentors, and other students for feedback and support. Click on the app name to learn more: Photoshop, XD and Illustrator. Also, for inspiration and over-the-shoulder learning, watch pros share their creative process on Adobe Live daily at
  •  For more information, visit the Adobe HelpX website.


If you have any questions or experience issues installing the Adobe Creative Cloud software, please contact the Technology Help Desk at or (781) 736-4357.