The News content type is used to display news articles on your website. The News content type is only available in the Content Below Main section of the website. If you want to display news in the Main Content area, use the List (News/Publications) content type.
(See a sample of the News content type at the bottom of this page.)
- Navigate to your page and click Edit. Scroll down until you see the Add Content Below Main checkbox and check it.
- Select News from the drop-down menu. For Background Color, leave as beige unless you have multiple Content Below Main modules, in which case you would want to alternate colors for contrast (you can edit this later).
There are two methods you can use to add a list: Manual Entry and Brandeis Stories. Although BrandeisNOW is listed as a method, it is no longer an option as it is being phased out and replaced with Brandeis Stories. For both methods, you can enter a Heading (optional), which creates large text centered at the top of the news section. Suggestion: "Recent News" or "Department News".
Manual Entry
You must add two news items in order to use the Manual Entry method. For each news item you will need to add:
- Title (required): Enter the article’s title.
- Link Type (optional): If you are using an Internal Link, click Choose File, Page, or Link. In the Chooser Panel, you can select a recent internal page, or browse for an internal page. If you are using an External Link, enter the URL, including the https://.
- Summary (optional): Summary of article
- Image (required): The image must be a horizontal image sized 480 px x 320 px.
- Alt Text (required): Describe your image. This text will be read to people who cannot see the image.
You can add another news item using the green plus ( + ) sign. You can also reorder items using the up/down arrows.
After you have added each news item, on the bottom of the editor, you can add Button Text and a link. You could use this to link to a larger news page.
Brandeis Stories
The Brandeis Stories option allows you to include news from Brandeis Stories on your website.
- Heading: Add the heading that you wish to display.
- Category: Select the news category you wish to display. Four articles from the category you choose will be displayed.
- Button Text: Include a button if you want to link to another page (like the Brandeis Stories homepage).
- Link Type: Internal/External Link: If you are using an Internal Link, click Choose File, Page, or Link. In the Chooser Panel, you can select a recent internal page, or browse for an internal page. If you are using an External Link, enter the URL, including the https://. The link will only display if you include Button Text.