PA Admissions
Applying to PA School
We encourage applicants to PA school to begin their preparation during the spring term of the year before they hope to begin their professional training. For those interested in starting in 2026, this means you should get started in spring of 2025.
Important Dates for the 2026 Cycle
Virtual Information Sessions
Feb. 6 and March 3, both from 5-6 p.m. These are repeated sessions; you need only attend one.
Register for the February 6 session
Register for the March 3 session
In these sessions, we will cover all the basics of the PA school admission process. Topics include the optimal application timeline, the CASPA application, personal statement and other application essays, letters of recommendation, the GRE and PA-CAT, and how to build your list of schools.
All juniors, seniors, and alumni who are considering applying in the 2026 cycle are strongly encouraged to attend. Following the information session, you can schedule your application assessment meeting (see below).
Assessment Meeting with Pre-Health Advising
In this meeting you will review your academic and experiential preparation for PA school, your potential school list, letters of recommendation, and any other issues that concern you.
Before your meeting, please attend one of the virtual information sessions (as noted above) and complete your pre-application assessment along with a resume. Meeting times are offered between mid-March and the end of May.
Getting Started on Your Personal Statement Virtual Workshop
March 20, 5-6:15 p.m. on ZoomIn this workshop, we'll give you an overview of the personal statement and other short essays often required in the PA applications. We will focus on the content of your essay by reading a sample essay and completing a brief writing exercise.
PA Careers Webinar with American Academic of Physician Associates (AAPA)
Feb. 24, 5-6 p.m.Have you been considering the physician assistant (PA) pathway? Join representatives from the AAPA, including a practicing PA, for an overview of the profession and PA school admission. Brandeis; Director of Pre-Health Advising, Andy Simmons, will also discuss the ways that he and his team can support your pre-PA studies and applications to PA school.
CASPA Opening Day
The CASPA 2026 will open at the end of April (exact date TBA). NOTE: there is a new CASPA application each year. Not all material you submit in the prior-year version can be carried over. We strongly recommend waiting to open your CASPA account until after the 2026 application is launched.