If you are encountering difficulty with course material, we encourage you to feel comfortable speaking up sooner rather than later to access resources, ask questions and gain support from a number of folks on campus.
First, your Academic Advisor should be your first contact. They can point you to valuable resources and interventions as well as offices such as Student Accessibility Support, the Health Center, and Brandeis Counseling Center that can help you along the way.
BUGS (Brandeis Undergraduate Group Study) offers tutoring and group study for over 70 courses in a given semester. Sessions are led by a trained, upper-class student who has previously taken the course. The BUGS schedule will be released at the beginning of the semester.
Professors and teaching assistants will be available to talk with students in their office hours; more details can be found in your course syllabi.
The Writing Center offers free writing tutorial services, in addition to helping you brainstorm and focus topics, build stronger argument skills, use MLA citations correctly and develop better drafting and editing strategies. You can schedule an appointment with a consultant.