
To be eligible to study abroad in the summer, students must:
- Have a compelling academic reason to study off-campus that relates to their overall academic plan at Brandeis.
- Return to Brandeis for at least one semester at an eligible rate of work in order to receive credit.
- Submit a completed Brandeis Study Abroad Application by the appropriate deadline.
- Be in good student conduct standing.
Programs will have their own eligibility requirements that students should meet.
Summer courses taken abroad on approved programs in a country that is not a student's home country may be counted as numeric credit towards the 128 credits required to graduate. On most summer programs, students can earn 8 credits out of 16 maximum that a student can transfer into the university. If you have met this limit or if you are taking classes in your home country, you may use summer study abroad courses to fulfill "purpose" (i.e., placement, prerequisite, Core and major/minor) requirements instead. Please note that summer study abroad programs do NOT contribute toward the university's minimum number of semesters you must attend in residence.
See the University Bulletin for more information. Please contact a Study Abroad staff member if you have more questions about summer credit.